guillaume savaton - au mouvant sillage

My first domain-specific language with Racket

Step 5: Modules

Guillaume Savaton

Racket offers a sophisticated module system that allows to organize a program into multiple files. In this step, we will show a solution to take advantage of Racket modules in a DSL.

Current use of Racket modules in Tiny-HDL

Tiny-HDL already uses the Racket module system in the expanded Racket code. For each entity and each architecture, it generates a structure type and a function that are exported using provide forms:

(define-simple-macro (entity ent-name ([_ port-name] ...))
    (provide (struct-out ent-name))
    (struct ent-name ([port-name #:auto] ...) #:mutable)))

(define-simple-macro (architecture arch-name ent-name body ...)
    (provide arch-name)
    (define (arch-name)
      (define self (ent-name))
      body ...

The exported definitions can be imported by another module using a require form. For instance, the test module for the full adder example in step 3 begins like this:

(require "full-adder-step-03.rkt")

(define fa (full-adder-arch))

Now, what if we want to organize a Tiny-HDL circuit description into several files? For instance, we could create a source file containing the entity half-adder and the architecture half-adder-arch, and another file containing the entity full-adder and the architecture full-adder-arch. With the appropriate require form before the description of the full adder, this example should run as expected:

; half-adder-step-05.rkt
  (entity half-adder ([input a] [input b] [output s] [output co]))

  (architecture half-adder-arch half-adder

; full-adder-step-05.rkt
  (require "half-adder-step-05.rkt")

  (entity full-adder ([input a] [input b] [input ci] [output s] [output co]))

  (architecture full-adder-arch full-adder
      (instance h1 half-adder-arch)
      (instance h2 half-adder-arch)

But this is not enough: we also need our modules to cooperate in the semantic checking steps. At the moment, the make-checker function creates compile-time data and bindings that are not exported. As a consequence, in the example above, when checking the instances h1 and h2, lookup will fail to find an architecture named half-adder-arch.

Exporting entity and architecture definitions

The make-checker function that we wrote in steps 3 and 4 creates bindings using the bind! function, which is itself based on syntax-local-bind-syntaxes, a function from the Racket library. syntax-local-bind-syntaxes creates bindings within an internal definition context, which is fine for local definitions inside a Tiny-HDL architecture body. However, compile-time data for entities and architectures themselves need to be attached to module-level bindings if we want to export them.

While working on this step, I tried really hard to keep the structure of the make-checker function intact. Using the same bind! function for all bindings would have been really neat. Here are the two directions that I followed:

  • Find a drop-in replacement for syntax-local-bind-syntaxes, but for creating bindings in a module context.
  • Find a technique to promote an internal binding into a module-level binding.

Neither approach actually gave any good practical results. My explorations led either to partially broken solutions, or to working, but convoluted implementations that involved too much code duplication. As you will see below, a working solution in the spirit of Racket requires to treat module-level bindings separately. I just had to accept that and break my precious make-checker function into two parts.

Many thanks to Michael Ballantyne for his explanations, and for showing me examples of his methodology to address this problem.

The standard way to create a module-level binding is to generate a define-syntax form in the expanded module. This is a different process than using syntax-local-bind-syntaxes, where bindings are created dynamically and can be accessed immediately. The good news is that both kinds of bindings can be read using the function syntax-local-value on which the lookup function is based.

So, for Tiny-HDL entities and architectures, the code responsible for constructing compile-time data must be moved to a macro that expands to provide and define-syntax forms like this:

(define-syntax-parser compile-as-module-level-defs
  [(_ e:stx/entity)
       (define-syntax (meta/make-entity
                               (for/hash ([p (in-list '(e.port ...))])
                                 (define/syntax-parse q:stx/port p)
                                 (values #' (meta/port (syntax->datum #'q.mode)))))))]

  [(_ a:stx/architecture)
       (define-syntax (meta/architecture #'a.ent-name)))]


  ; The fallback case expands to a neutral form.
  [_ #'(begin)])


(define (make-checker stx)
  (syntax-parse stx

    [(begin-tiny-hdl body ...)
     ; We no longer need to create a scope here.
     (define body^ (map make-checker (attribute body)))

     ; (bind! #' (meta/make-entity ...)) <-- Moved to macro compile-as-module-level-defs.
     (thunk stx)]

     ; (bind! #' (meta/architecture ...)) <-- Moved to macro compile-as-module-level-defs.
     (define body^ (with-scope
                     (~>> (attribute a.body)
                          (map add-scope)
                          (map make-checker))))

This implementation solves the problem of exporting bindings to other modules, but will these bindings still be available for the semantic checker when processing the current module? We need to make sure that macro compile-as-module-level-defs is expanded before executing any lookup. To achieve that, we reorganize the begin-tiny-hdl macro in two passes:

  1. Expand the macro compile-as-module-level-defs for each form inside begin-tiny-hdl.
  2. Expand the macro compile-tiny-hdl that will call the semantic checker.
(define-syntax-parser begin-tiny-hdl
  [(_ body ...)
       (compile-as-module-level-defs body) ...
       (compile-tiny-hdl body ...))])

(define-syntax (compile-tiny-hdl stx)
  ((make-checker stx)))


(define (make-checker stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
    #:literals [compile-tiny-hdl]
    [(compile-tiny-hdl body ...)
     (define body^ (map make-checker (attribute body)))

Importing entity and architecture definitions

Tiny-HDL will support a use form that expands to require. Here is a syntax class for this new form:

(define-syntax-class use
  #:literals [use]
  (pattern (use path:str)))

The use form must be expanded before calling the semantic checker. A good place to do that is in the compile-as-module-level-defs macro:

(define-syntax-parser compile-as-module-level-defs
  [(_ e:stx/entity)

  [(_ a:stx/architecture)

  [(_ u:stx/use)
   #'(require u.path)]


After being expanded, use forms are no longer needed. The make-checker function will transform them into neutral begin forms:

(define (make-checker stx)
  (syntax-parse stx

     (thunk #'(begin))]


Finally, we write a use macro that will raise an error if used in the wrong context:

(define-syntax (use stx)
  (raise-syntax-error #f "should not be used outside of begin-tiny-hdl" stx))

Fixing name collisions

There is one last issue with the proposed modifications. With the introduction of macro compile-as-module-level-defs, each entity, and each architecture expands to two definitions with the same name:

  • For entity half-adder, we get a (define-syntax half-adder ...) and a (struct half-adder ...).
  • For an architecture half-adder-arch, we gen a (define-syntax half-adder-arch ...) and a (define (half-adder-arch) ...).

We will implement these simple fixes:

  1. The generated functions that act as constructors will have a make- prefix in their names. We introduce this helper function to generate constructor names:

    (define-for-syntax (constructor-name name)
      (format-id name "make-~a" name))
  2. For an entity, the name of the structure type will not be exposed directly.

Here is the new version of the entity macro. It changes the name of the structure type to a unique, automatically generated name, and adds a prefix to the constructor name. The field accessors will keep the same names as before.

(define-simple-macro (entity ent-name ([_ port-name] ...))
  #:with ent-struct-name (generate-temporary #'ent-name)
  #:with ent-ctor-name   (constructor-name   #'ent-name)
    (provide (struct-out ent-struct-name))
    (struct ent-name ([port-name #:auto] ...)
      #:name             ent-struct-name
      #:constructor-name ent-ctor-name)))

In the architecture and instance macros, we now use prefixed constructor names:

(define-simple-macro (architecture arch-name ent-name body ...)
  #:with arch-ctor-name (constructor-name #'arch-name)
  #:with ent-ctor-name  (constructor-name #'ent-name)
    (provide arch-ctor-name)
    (define (arch-ctor-name)
      (define self (ent-ctor-name))
      (syntax-parameterize ([current-instance (make-rename-transformer #'self)])
        body ...)

(define-simple-macro (instance inst-name arch-name)
  #:with arch-ctor-name (constructor-name #'arch-name)
  (define inst-name (arch-ctor-name)))


The full adder example can now be split into two files like this:

  1. A file containing the half adder entity and its architecture:
#lang racket

(require tiny-hdl)

  (entity half-adder ([input a] [input b] [output s] [output co]))

  (architecture half-adder-arch half-adder
    (assign s  (xor a b))
    (assign co (and a b))))
  1. A file containing the full adder entity and its architecture:
#lang racket

(require tiny-hdl)

  (use "half-adder-step-05.rkt")

  (entity full-adder ([input a] [input b] [input ci] [output s] [output co]))

  (architecture full-adder-arch full-adder
    (instance h1 half-adder-arch)
    (instance h2 half-adder-arch)

Getting the source code and running the examples

The source code for this step can be found in branch step-05 of the git repository for this project.

The full adder example is now split into two modules:

Getting the source code for step 5

Assuming you have already cloned the git repository, switch to branch step-05:

git checkout step-05

Running the examples

Run full-adder-step-05-test.rkt with Racket:

racket examples/full-adder-step-05-test.rkt